Sunday, May 27

Crack Work

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Both the historian and the artist take their cracks at describing facts to us. In real life, I'm a journalist, which is neither an historian nor an artist. We're supposed to exist in the crack between their two worlds. Writers like me are challenged, in the best of all worlds, to assemble the facts into a pile through which historians and artists sort.

But here at ImageFiction I indulge that part of my brain which layers some emotion over some facts to present up, what? My wife Rita has a spectacular garden here in the city. From early spring to late fall there are dots of joy like this guy who's stretching awake in his sunrise shower. Now my organic photographer buddies believe that beauty, harmony, and energy are the natural subjects of what we're supposed to do. They insist that the final print should mimic nature to the degree that the viewer BELIEVES!. That the viewer accepts the image as true-to-some-original.

As you can see, I'm not down with that. Here's what I either saw over coffee last week, or what I wanted to see. As a journalist I'm not allowed to write about what I wanted to see, hear, smell, touch... But this is why this place is called ImageFiction. Get it?


Anonymous said...

"... the final print should mimic nature..."
And maybe they, the organic photographers have a valid point BUT we don't see nature as it is, everything is interpreted through a filter, the perceiving brain. Could post processing be an attempt to imitate the filtering process in order to share the more personal experience of the photographer's interaction with his or her environment? Doesn't the processed image allow the viewer a more intimate and insightful glimpse into the mind of the photographer? And if that means isolating a spray of pastel blossoms in a sea of black then who's to say which one is more 'genuine'?

I don't know if I've made my case in a way that will make sense to anyone else so, put another way, I'm with you Ted, this image is a delight to behold. Thanks for the post and enjoy the remainder of your extended weekend.

Martel said...

On my Blog, I show to you the “Right Street”, one of the principal streets of Martel. Cavity it is very except right-hand side, it turns in all the directions. Also have in your city, of the streets with a name in contradiction with the street? (Street example of the restaurants without any restaurants).
Good Day
My blog photographs on the town of Martel