Friday, February 28

Old Gold Glows

Now, is the art in the barn
Or is the ban part of it?

And is it art in pieces
Or should the pieces be now

Reassembled to make art again
Or has it become art now

That it's broken apart?

I carry a Canon G10 on country bike rides. It's a nosey little camera and captured this RAW image in an open barn near Manheim, Pa. Post processing happened in PS4, and the magic sauce was poured through OnOne's Perfect Effects 3 to heat my own glows. 


Cedric Canard said...

The art was seen by your eyes as the scene passed through your imagination which you then manifested with this image. To most people, the scene would only be a broken old truck in an equally old barn.

Ted said...

It glowed from my first glimpse Cedric. Someone's preserved a hope here, don't you think?