Got my birthday present today. Rita bought me the PhotoShop CS3 upgrade. Figured I wouldn't post tonight... you know, learning curve and all that, thought I'd not be producing anything new for a while. Then I discovered the new B&W adjustment layer. "Hmmmm," I says to myself. "Wonder what this do..... especailly when I blend it with the high pass filter." And here's what it does to yesterday's last image.

"Ahh!" you reply. "But what about that black and white adjustment layer by itself?"
Well here's what it does with one click. Which makes me wonder what's left in the challenge of doing monochrome. I predict that we shall see so much artsy monochrome in the next year that people will outlaw it. When there is NO challenge... where there is no challenge. Why the hell do it? Eh?
Now something else I noticed to my horror. I no longer have any of my third party filters. I have hundreds of dollars... no maybe well over a thousand dollars of purchased filters. This could be a not nice thing. I guess I now have to check with Lucis and F/X and Alien Skin and.. and... I'll bet they'll all be selling upgrades eh? This could be expensive. Anybody know a short cut (Don't remind me that they'll work in the Rosetta format... I bought the new CS3 principally to take advantage of the dual cores in my MacBookPro - want speeeeeed)?