Sunday, November 18

Roman Security

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There's so much beauty in Rome, particularly in its details. Here's one that I found strangely unusual.

In the United States you will rarely walk city streets where the windows are barred or shuttered. A friend from the Albian Hills told me that an Italian is uncomfortable living like we do, namely behind thin panes of glass. So when you walk through Italian cities the unprotected, naked, window at night is an oddity. Yet when they occur, cut into those ancient walls, and backlit so that they seem like jewel boxes - they glimmer and glow like beacons of warmth.


Tomorrow I'll leave Rome for a while and crack open my first Florentine camera card. BTW, if you're curious I shoot only in RAW (a memory-hungry photo format). I try to backup every night to either my iPod and/or my MacBookPro. Unfortunately I needed the latter to access the former and my MacBook crashed the second day we were in Florence. So from there on I carefully preserved four gig flash cards, eventually filling eight of them. In toto, I took about 55 Gigs of pictures. It was good that I chose to backup my cards on both the laptop AND the iPod. The iPod preserved most of the Rome images.

Oddly, after we got home a day or so after I transferred everything from the iPod to my desktop and to an external drive... the iPod crashed and needed to be sent off to Apple where they erased (re-formatted) the drive. In retrospect, I was quite close to a catastrophic failure.


NOTE: You may often find in-depth descriptions of this Italian visit (October 1-14, 2007) among the comments-section below both as I add onto them and as you prompt my memory. I'll try to restrict my thoughts exclusively to today's image here on the home page and enlarge upon them in the comments attachments to a day’s posting as the discussions unravel. To follow the thread chronologically and the comments start at here October 7th and work forward.

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