<- Cick here
Sometimes it pours like syrup... it's stuff we can touch, and feel it run across our skin. And if we peer into it, eyes closed, it's a warmer than a baby's giggle.
"You know," she said with a peculiar smirk, "you're never more than four feet or seventy seven seconds from wonder."
"Huh," I looked up from my book at the woman in the seat across the aisle.
"Actually," she wasn't really looking at me... more through me, "wonders are so commonplace that they're frequently invisible to us. Artists though... artists they recognize every one of them. Or at least I think so."
"Huh?" I said again. Not terribly original but I wasn't really in a conversation with her so much as I seemed to be her very small audience.
"Yet you know, they're not all of the same moment, um, import," there was a childlike quality about her. "But even then it takes an artist to understand the differences. Most are just moving, passionate, instants. And then there are those few wonders which can move the artist to.... to..." Her eyes flittered. Hunting that word sent her head moving almost as if she were a little girl on a midsummer's night adventure tracking a dancing lightening bug.
"They can move the artist to what," I heard myself murmur willing the word to come to her... to have her reveal it to me...
"To... to... _rapture_."
The rest of the trip we both sat... silent.
Apple pulled its service today. Now
http://homepage.mac.com/byrneprintmaker/ sits up but my door's closed. I can't remove it, change it, or alter it in any way. I guess if I stop paying for my mobile me subscription it will vanish in a puff. But since MobieMe is a cloud where I sync all of my machines, that's not likely.
So it will bob up there on the virtual seas. Odd huh?
I gotta find another place to store my images. Suggestions?