Monday, February 3

On Wrappings & The Craic

People aren’t their

Are the layer

And sinew that

Their own
Closely cherished

A man’s
The sum of his

For the poet and artist – streets invent people, rather than the other way around. Or at least they present them as feelings whose wrappings are like a novel’s opening. Wrappings set the playwright’s scene… They are life’s adjectives. And occasionally adverbs… It’s the artist’s job to drop in exclamation points!

This guy’d just left the Tig Cóilí on Galway’s Mainguard Street down at the end of Shop Street where I’d pointed my Canon 20D’s Canon EFS 17-85mm. Tig Cóilí’s known for its music and the craic.

“Uh, wuzzdat, Ted” you wonder? Well since 1905 the Tig Cóilí’s been filed with news, gossip, and conversation. It’s an Irish thing… Maybe jive's the word that comes closest to the craic here in America… But not really since jive’s gone archaic, huh? Anyway, I reached into this image with PS4 and Photomax on the first round, then all sorts of tools to prod at different parts of this feeling… tools like Topaz’s Adjust & BW effects, plus AlienSkin’s powerful Bokeh. Of course the final texturing and all of the brush work were my own designs.

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