Sunday, September 17


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How secure could this place be? Why that lock on a flimsy door? Were there pantry things hidden here from thieving domestics? Were there adult things behind that knob that the kids shouldn't see? How easily a determined burglar could rip his way in. So these secrets can't be hidden from the determined.

I wonder how many things we hide away that, with a tad of effort, anyone might pry into? We probably all have stuff in our memories that romp and play about behind flimsy locks. Locks that are on mental doors which sit there plainly lit for everyone to see. Yet we expect that the knob won't pull open too easily. That whatever we cherish enough to hold private will at least withstand the scrutiny of strangers... or thieving domestics.

Meta: (Lancaster, 8-31-06) Canon EOS 20D, RGB color, EF-S 17-85mm, 20mm, ISO 1600, 1/125 at f/8

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