Source for this ranking? Forbes Magazine and Others
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Sequestered at home by fiat, the mind wanders/wonders... "It's artists' jobs to ask questions. Answers though are above their pay grades."
I'm just sayin':
"Did my heart not listen, or was it my head?"
12 Makes Ambani $59.7 Billion |
"Life's heirlooms are tiny as a heartbreak."
11 Larry Page $61.1 Billion |
"If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme."
10 Carlos Slim Helu (and family) $63.5 Billion |
"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary."
09 Amancio Ortega Gaona $65 Billion |
"The death tax is a victory of political romanticism over economic reality."
08 Larry Ellison $66.4 Billion |
"The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. All I know is what I have words for." - Ludwig Wittgenstein.
07 Vladimir Putin $70 Billion |
"How thick is the line between social and economic justice?"
06 Mark Zuckerberg 76.34 Billion |
"In depicting subjects by their parts, people can be reduced to their dignity." - Paul Strand
05 Amancio Ortega $77.1 Billion |
"Everything is the way it is because it got that way.
04 Warren Buffett $$88.8 Billion |
"The unreality of reality."
03 Bill Gates $108,2 Billion |
"A proposition has two parts. You must state a thesis. And you must prove it."
02 Bernard Arnault (and family) $109.2 Billion |
"Yes, but what of the forces of brightness?"
01 Jeff Bezos $111.5 Billion |
"What didn't happen is a hole in history."
* Wish I could recall the sources of each of these quotes, only three are mine.